Keywords in CognitiveURBC Physics

RAModel of Entity Task Universe
i/o quark-particle interface
Local Decision Machine (LDM)
Changes & Expansions Manager (CEM)
Observer/Shaper Posts (OSP)
Simile Flux-Reactor Shaper (SFRS)
value-polarized event records
resected historical reaction

accessing parallel order
acquisition event
active cognitive matter
Approximate Definition Artifacts (ADA)
assigned decision perspective
Atomic Relativity Formatting (ARF)
"back door keys"
Basic Definition Concepts (BDC)
best failed candidate
bond particles
bridging event
cell point priorities
chain-link reference
cognitive dimensional expansion
cognitive perspectives
cognitive shaping force
cognitive space
command sequences (strings)
continuity of order
creator designated default settings
creator of the entity
cycle decision event
default parameter
default resection of reactionary order
default simile selection
defining a universe
definition cluster
definition particles
definition quarks
direction of mutation
"domino bridges" to parallel continuity
environment without order
"equal" in type only
exclusion testing techniques
exclusionary check
expanded cell point
explosion expansion
failed candidates
failed entities
feedback learning cycle
feedback perceptions
first fluctuation
fluctuations in modular status (Flux) -
Flux Reactor Shaping Machines (FRSM)
formatted links
FRS cycle
FRS processing circuit
genetics and breeding
grouping of definition particles
historical polarized reactions
Inherent Environmental Order (IEO)
"imperfect duplication"
implimentable shaping command
implosion expansion
inclusive repetitive events
incongruent fragment
incongruent particles of the flux
installing an entity to observe
intelligent force
interactive self order
internal multiple fluctuating appetites
isolable cognitive event
know failed reaction
laws of Cognitive Physics
list cells
local laws patterns and constants
macro flow of "imagination."
Minimal Notch Mutations (MNM) -
modular priorities and objectives
negative (problem) portion
"no luck rule"
observer/shaper S-SMs
Opportunity and Acquisition O/A
parallel order
parallel pattern
parallel perspective
Parameters Relevance Priorities Screen (PRPS)
particle placement
particles of definition
pattern (in default)
perspective of definition
physical sensor ability
physical shaping ability
physical shaping instructions
physical space
polarized conduit
Polarized Formatting Perspectives PFP
polarized reactionary order
positive (solution) portion
precursor-segment of action
primitive FRShapers
problem portion
problem/solution artifacts
problems and opportunities
Problem and Solution formatting P/S
RAModel of reality
randomly mutated versions
reactionary order
relative angles of the particles
resecting reactionary order
resection-event problems
S-FRS Circuit
SSM processing circuits
scan for flux
self induced fluctuation
Self Shaping Machines (SSM)
sensor particle
sensor priorities
sensor quarks
sequence of cellular priorities
shaping commands
shaping force
shaping machine
shaping reaction
shaping sequences
simile "bridges" to parallel order
Simile Compare Catalyst (SCC)
Simile Compare Decision (SCD)
simile compare event
simile conduits to solutions
Simile Flux Reactor Shaping Machine
simile selection
simultaneous relative fluctuations
single cell substitution
slightly mutated versions
solution portion
source of parallel entity behavior
specific cell contents
"start up" knowledge
string flux
sub-orbital particles
substitutable cellular specifics
survival requirements
target environment
target shaping force
theoretical gauges
transplants and clones
trial and success
trial points of overview
unique fixed perspectives
unknown flux
value polarized event records
waterhole environment
"wild force"

Copyright © by David Albert Harrell